2011. szeptember 11., vasárnap

Nine Eleven

I no longer watch newscasts - I try to spare myself as much worrying as I can. I will not check the nine eleven commemorations either, I only hope no terror act would be carried out again.

New York, don't worry. I will never leave you. I will be back. 

2011. szeptember 1., csütörtök

Clouds are beautiful and enigmatic

I was about 13 and the school assignment was that you should bring your favourite piece of music, play it in front of the class and elaborate why you liked it. 

I was the weird guy back then too so I pounced on the opportunity, volunteered to be the first and brought this song in. The song starts with the narrator (there is no singer, merely a weekish chorus later in the song) saying "I am looking at the clouds, these clouds are so beautiful, enigmatic, innocent and true to their own nature." The song climaxes when the narrator announces that "I may as well be a kamikaze myself" which would be shocking enough to a class of 13 years old children if only they knew who a kamikaze is.  

The song was written in 1983 with communism still ruling in Hungary - with one public sphere, one (or maybe two) TV channel(s), one uninterrupted official narrative. Anything beyond that was available to a few hundred intellectuals based in Budapest. This song was substream too of course, never released until the 1990s and I will never know how it felt back then in that context where the words "mainstream" and "substream" did actually mean something. 

I don't know. Anyways, this band produced a number of other songs none of which are even remotely enjoyable, but this one is good. But I could not say why I liked it, so I guess I failed the assignment back then