Sp: Q 8 6
H: A Q 8 4
D: A 9 5
C: A J 7
Hand B
Sp: K J 10
H: K J 3
D: J 2
C: Q 6 5 4 3
Not that bidding mattered anything, Beebs opened Hand A with 1C (we play weak No Trump), I bid 2C (reversed minor raise) - 2D - 3 NT - all pass.
LHO opens a small diamond and my jack is allowed to hold. How do you go down from here?
OK, I know there is no way (2S + 4H + 2D + 1C = 9) but let's suppose you suck just as bad as I did that night. Still impossible?
I played a club to the jack like any novice player would. RHO took the king, led a diamond back, I ducked, and LHO led the third round of diamonds. And then, something extraordinary happened.
I think I saw that RHO played a card. I think that I even registered the card he played. I am certain that I immediately forgot what it was. I faintly remembered he showed out (and I was wrong. In fact he followed suit), but I had no idea what card it was. Anyway, I did not suppose it mattered much until I played the ace of clubs at trick #5 and RHO showed out - this time for real. As you might have deduced already: I was extremely tired at this point
Now. If it was a club he discarded on the third diamond, then clubs are 3-2 and I can even score an overtrick (4C + 2D + 4H). If it was anything else, my best bet is to lead a spade and hope that RHO has the ace who can no longer lead diamonds. However if LHO has the ace, they score three diamonds, the king of clubs and the ace of spades.
This is where my second blunder came. I still have no idea why but I went on with clubs, "hoping” they were originally split 3-2. Of course when LHO took the fourth round, I collapsed. I still could not remember what RHO played in the fourth trick, but I knew I misplayed the whole thing. It was only when I saw the diagram afterwards that I realized that LHO in fact must have played a diamond in trick #4.
Tudod fáradt voltam csalódott, meg minden.
Sp: Q 8 6
H: A Q 8 4
D: A 9 5
C: A J 7
Hand B
Sp: K J 10
H: K J 3
D: J 2
C: Q 6 5 4 3
Not that bidding mattered anything, Beebs opened Hand A with 1C (we play weak No Trump), I bid 2C (reversed minor raise) - 2D - 3 NT - all pass.
LHO opens a small diamond and my jack is allowed to hold. How do you go down from here?
OK, I know there is no way (2S + 4H + 2D + 1C = 9) but let's suppose you suck just as bad as I did that night. Still impossible?
I played a club to the jack like any novice player would. RHO took the king, led a diamond back, I ducked, and LHO led the third round of diamonds. And then, something extraordinary happened.
I think I saw that RHO played a card. I think that I even registered the card he played. I am certain that I immediately forgot what it was. I faintly remembered he showed out (and I was wrong. In fact he followed suit), but I had no idea what card it was. Anyway, I did not suppose it mattered much until I played the ace of clubs at trick #5 and RHO showed out - this time for real. As you might have deduced already: I was extremely tired at this point
Now. If it was a club he discarded on the third diamond, then clubs are 3-2 and I can even score an overtrick (4C + 2D + 4H). If it was anything else, my best bet is to lead a spade and hope that RHO has the ace who can no longer lead diamonds. However if LHO has the ace, they score three diamonds, the king of clubs and the ace of spades.
This is where my second blunder came. I still have no idea why but I went on with clubs, "hoping” they were originally split 3-2. Of course when LHO took the fourth round, I collapsed. I still could not remember what RHO played in the fourth trick, but I knew I misplayed the whole thing. It was only when I saw the diagram afterwards that I realized that LHO in fact must have played a diamond in trick #4.
Tudod fáradt voltam csalódott, meg minden.